© ioSelect Inc.
EtherWave - WMR
6.0 Configuration
Image 6R: Frequency Restriction, 345kbps
Use the Radio Channels Noise
Level tool (see Section
to help identify the frequency/
range of possible interfering
signals within the 902-928MHz
ISM band, and then use the
Frequency Restriction feature
to configure the EtherWave-
WMR to avoid them.
Frequency Restriction (continued)
The input format is:
UA: channel number, or
UA: channel number-channel number z, or
UA: channel number,<no space>chnl number-chnl number
where UA is the Unit Address, and
channel number is the channel number (not frequency) of
the channel to be restricted.
The input formats above describe single channel, range of
channels, or a combination thereof. A number of input fields may
be used, or a combination of restrictions input in one field.
The image below shows an example of configuring an EtherWave-
WMR (with 345kbps as an available Link Rate) with a Link Rate of
345kbps to not operate on channels 1 through 10.