© ioSelect Inc.
EtherWave - WMR
6.0 Configuration
Image 6S: Frequency Restriction, 1.1Mbps
Frequency Restriction (continued)
With the EtherWave-WMR having the option of, and configured for,
a Link Rate of 1.1Mbps (Special Order Only), the Frequency
Restriction input format remains the same (as for 345kbps
described previously), however, the Channel Number must be
reduced by the number of channels restricted, i.e. If Channels 1-3
are restricted, the Channel Number is to be decreased from 16 to
13, as per the following example (image below):
The Frequency Restriction ‘value’ must be input into EVERY
MODEM in a network. Oftentimes the applicable Unit Address (as
input in the format detailed previously) will be ‘1’ - indicating that
that the Master modem - to which other units synchronize - will not
be transmitting on the specified channel(s). All units in the system
will use this information - as input into each one of them - to
generate the appropriate hopping pattern for the network.