© ioSelect Inc.
EtherWave - WMR
5.0 Network Topologies
5.4 Everyone-to-Everyone (E2E)
E2E mode is used for communications between all remote mo-
i.e. data from every modem is broadcast to every other
modem in the network.
Considering the amount of data re-broadcasting (via the Master), it
is a very bandwidth-intensive network topology.
Example 5.4.1
1 Master and 3 remote units must all communicate with each other.
There is no DESTINATION UNIT configuration option
as the DESTINATION is predefined to be the broadcast
address (65535) when in E2E mode.
Image 5J: E2E Example 5.4.1: Master
An E2E network requires a
Master modem.
The data being transmitted
from remote units in an E2E
network travels to the Master
and is then re-broadcast to all
other remotes.