© ioSelect Inc.
EtherWave - WMR
6.0 Configuration
Image 6AM: System Information Menu, Ethernet Packet Statistics
Ethernet Packet Statistics
The Ethernet Packets Statistics window displays a variety of
parameters which apply to the traffic through, and status of, the
physical ethernet port (hardware interface) on the rear of the
Received and Transmitted information are applicable to the local
data traffic into and out of the EtherWave-WMR, respectively.
Errors which are counted include alignment, frame check sequence
(FCS), frame too long, and internal MAC.
The dropped packet count could increment if, for example, the
network layer was too busy to accept the data.
The FIFO errors are related to interface-specific hardware.
Collisions occur on all ethernet networks being that ethernet
operates as a logical bus. The amount of collisions is typically
related to the number of devices on the attached network and the
amount of data being moved.