© ioSelect Inc.
EtherWave - WMR
6.0 Configuration
If the EtherWave-WMR devices are integrated into a network which
has a defined gateway, then, as with other hosts on the network,
this gateway’s IP address will be entered into this field. If there is a
DHCP server on the network, and the IP Address Mode (see
previous page) is selected to be DHCP, the DHCP server will
populate this field with the appropriate gateway address.
In a very small network (e.g. point-to-point, and STATIC IP Address
Mode), the gateway value is not critical. The IP address of the
most significant device on the overall network may be entered, or, if
only two EtherWave-WMR’s are being used, make the gateway of
EtherWave-WMR No. 1 = IP address of EtherWave-WMR No. 2;
gateway of EtherWave-WMR No. 2 = IP address of EtherWave-
WMR No. 1. The idea behind this approach is: If an EtherWave-
WMR at ‘one end’ of a wireless link receives a packet it is unsure
where to send, send it to the other end of the wireless link (i.e. the
other EtherWave-WMR) where it was quite likely destined.
A simple way of looking at what the gateway value should be is: If
a device has a packet of data is does not know where to send, send
it to the gateway. If necessary - and applicable - the gateway can
forward the packet onwards to another network.
valid value is specific to the
DHCP Timeout
This value determines for how long the EtherWave-WMR will await
to receive information from a DHCP server. If this timeout expires,
the unit will assign itself a random Class D IP address (and subnet
mask) and function simply as a wireless bridge.
IP Gateway
A GATEWAY is a point within
a network that acts as an
entrance to another network.
In typical networks, a router
acts as a gateway.