© ioSelect Inc.
EtherWave - WMR
6.0 Configuration
COM2 Connection Status
This window displays information related to the COM2 port located
on the front of the EtherWave-WMR.
COM2 Port Status
Disabled (for ‘data’ traffic) by default. Being
’disabled’ enables the port to be used for the Text
User Interface.
Configure via COM2 Configuration menu.
COM2 Connect As
Display of chosen protocol with respect to serial
gateway function.
Configure via COM2 Configuration menu.
COM2 Connect Status
If port is enabled and there is data traffic, this will
display ‘Active’.
The other displayed parameters are not all applicable. Of most
use are the transmitted and received bytes/packets: these will
indicate if data is coming into and out of the COM2 port.
Image 6AP: System Information Menu, COM2 Connection Status