7.13.2. Optional Dynamic Reconfiguration Logic
The Intel Stratix 10 Transceiver Native PHY IP cores contain soft logic for debug
purposes known as the Optional Reconfiguration Logic. This soft logic provides a set of
registers that enable you to determine the state of the Native PHY IP cores.
You can enable the following optional reconfiguration logic options in the transceiver
Native PHY IP cores:
Capability registers
Control and status registers Capability Registers
The capability registers provide high level information about the transceiver channel
configuration and capture a set of chosen capabilities of the PHY that cannot be
reconfigured. They are located on the PMA AVMM interface and are located on
addresses 0x40000 to 0x5FFFF.
Related Information
PMA Register Map
on page 165 Control and Status Registers
Control and status registers are optional registers that memory map the status
outputs from and control inputs to the Native PHY. The control and status registers are
located on the PMA AVMM interface from 0x40000 to 0x5FFFF.
Related Information
PMA Register Map
on page 165
7.14. Timing Closure Recommendations
Intel recommends that you enable the multiple reconfiguration profiles feature in the
Native PHY IP core if any of the modified or target configurations involve changes to
RS-FEC settings. Using multiple reconfiguration profiles is optional if the
reconfiguration involves changes to only PMA settings such as TX VOD swing or refclk
switching. When performing a dynamic reconfiguration, you must:
Include constraints to create the extra clocks for all modified or target
configurations at the RS-FEC -FPGA fabric interface. Clocks for the base
configuration are created by the Intel Quartus Prime software. These clocks enable
the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition to perform static timing analysis for all the
transceiver configurations and their corresponding FPGA fabric core logic blocks.
Include the necessary false paths between the RS-FEC – FPGA fabric interface and
the core logic.
For example, you can perform dynamic reconfiguration to switch the datapath from
PMA direct to RS-FEC using the multiple reconfiguration profiles feature. This feature
will be supported in a future Intel Quartus Prime release.
More details about how to create the false paths will be included in a future user guide
7. Dynamic Reconfiguration
UG-20056 | 2019.02.04
10 E-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide