5. PMA Calibration
The PMA is automatically calibrated when it is first enabled. When dynamically
reconfiguring the PMA to a different datarate, you need to recalibrate the PMA. The
PMA calibration is run when the PMA is enabled, so you first disable the PMA before
requesting calibration. Refer to PMA Attribute Details for information on how to change
PMA settings using the AVMM interface. When referring to the PMA Attribute Codes
section of the register map keep the following guidelines in mind:
If you change any setting where yes is indicated in the PMA Can be Running
While Updating column, ensure that you do not disable the transceiver channel.
If you disable the channel, then the transition of disable to enable initiates the
calibration and causes bit errors.
If you change any setting where no is indicated in the PMA Can be Running
While Updating column, follow the following flow chart.
Refer to PMA Attribute Codes for information on which attributes can only be changed
when the PMA is disabled.
When the Native PHY's
outputs assert, calibration is
Figure 57.
Enabling PMA Calibration
Disable the PMA using attribute code 0x0001
Update the PMA settings using
associated PMA attribute codes
Enable PMA using PMA attribute code 0x0001
Wait for tx_pma_ready and rx_pma_ready
ports to assert
Request PMA calibration once the PMA is
enabled using PMA attribute code 0x0011
UG-20056 | 2019.02.04
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