Intec Printing Solutions - Manual for ColorCut LC600 Sheet fed Label Cutter ........................................................................ Page No: 36
5.4 Blade Adjustment (Adjusting the Blade length)
Blade Depth is a major factor in how well the machine cuts and, and along with the
downforce/pressure, determines how cleanly the material cuts and easy or difficult it
will be to weed the material. Too much blade depth is as bad as not enough.
If you have enough blade sticking out to clearly see and feel the tip, it’s
probably too far out. Most new Intec LC600 cutter owners improperly install
the blade with too much of it protruding from the holder. This may damage
the cutting strip and mean, you will need to replace it earlier than normal.
Ensure you set it so that you can barely see the tip.
Then take the blade holder and manually drag it across a sheet of label material that
you wish to cut, making a box pattern or square.
: Lay a scrap piece of material on a hard work surface (not on a nice table in
case you cut through the backing). With the blade holder in your hand press down
and cut a circle in the material. Press down using a moderate amount of force while
you cut the circle.
Adjust the blade length so that only traces of the blade appear on the backing sheet
when a cutting test is performed. You will not be able to cut through the material
backing when the blade depth is set correctly. If it cuts through the backing then the
depth is too much (You have too much blade exposed) and you need to retract the
The blade length is adjusted by turning the blade adjustment knob.
• To extend the cutter blade, turn the knob in the
• To retract the cutter blade, turn the knob in the