INSYS Modem 56k small EU 2.1
Data Buffer for Serial Data Transmission
The INSYS Modem 56k small EU 2.1 provides send and receive buffers. These buffers pre-
vent the loss of data, in case the application or the remote terminal can not receive data
at this time. The data buffer can be deactivated together with the error correction (bit
direct mode). When the buffer is activated, the data flow control should be active to
avoid a buffer overflow in the INSYS Modem 56k small EU 2.1. If the buffer flows over,
the INSYS Modem 56k small EU 2.1 will perform a reset.
Operation without a buffer and
error correction is only useful for special character framings
The function is active as default.
Configuration with HSComm
Select the type of error correction on the tab Modem in the panel "Phone in-
terface" (page 26, Figure 5, position 25). Buffering is active for all options ex-
cept the option "unbuffered, bit direct". To deactivate the buffer (and simul-
taneously the error correction), select "unbuffered, bit direct".
Configuration with AT commands
To deactivate the error correction as well as
the buffer in the INSYS Modem 56k small EU
2.1 for applications with special data format,
use the command:
To deactivate only the error correction, use the
Bit Direct Mode
special applications,
the buffering of the INSYS Modem 56k small EU 2.1 can be deac-
tivated using the setting "unbuffered, bit direct". All data is forwarded without buffering
and further influence of the INSYS Modem 56k small EU 2.1. This applies especially to the
parity and stop bits. The error correction and the data compression are in this case
switched off as well. If the INSYS Modem 56k small EU 2.1 is operated in this mode, not
all functions will be available. The remote configuration and all functions for which a
password is required, will no longer be available.
This mode should only be used for spe-
cial character framings.
Configuration with HSComm
Select the type of error correction on the tab Modem in the panel "Phone in-
terface" (page 26, Figure 5, position 25). Select "unbuffered, bit direct" to
switch to bit direct mode.
Configuration with AT commands
To deactivate the buffer of the INSYS Modem
56k small EU 2.1 and to switch on the bit di-
rect mode, use the command: