Operating manual
Translation of the original
Fully shield the welding area; flammable materials should be kept at least 11 metres away.
There must be fire fighting equipment close to the welding activities.
Beware of hot spatter or sparks as these can cause a fire or explosion, even through cracks.
Keep people, flammable objects and pressurised containers at a safe distance.
Welding in closed containers or tubes should be avoided; if they are open, they should be emptied of any flammable or explosive materials (oil, fuel
and gas residues, etc.).
Grinding operations must not be directed towards the source of welding current or towards flammable materials.
The gas coming out of the cylinders can cause suffocation if it becomes concentrated in the welding area (ventilate well).
Transporting the device must be done safely: cylinders closed and the source of welding current switched off. They must be
stored vertically and supported to minimise the risk of falling.
Close the cylinder between uses. Be aware of temperature variations and sun exposure.
The cylinder must not come into contact with flames, electric arcs, torches, earth clamps or any other source of heat or sparks.
Be sure to keep the cylinder away from electrical and welding circuits and, therefore, never weld a pressurised cylinder.
Be careful when opening the cylinder’s valve, keep your head away from the tap and make sure that the gas used is suitable for the particular welding
The electrical network used must be earthed. Use the fuse size recommended on the rating plate.
Electric shocks can cause serious direct or indirect accidents and even death.
Never touch live parts either inside or outside the source of live current (torches, clamps, cables and electrodes) as these are connected to the welding
Before opening the source of welding current, it must be disconnected from the mains and you must wait for two minutes to ensure that all the
capacitors are discharged.
Do not touch the torch or the electrode holder and the earth clamp at the same time.
Ensure that cables and torches are replaced by a qualified and authorised technician if they become damaged. Size the cables according to the
intended application. Always wear dry, good-condition clothing to insulate yourself from the welding circuit. Wear insulated footwear in all work
This Class A equipment is not intended to be used in a residential setting where electrical power is supplied from the public,
low-voltage mains network. It may be difficult to ensure electromagnetic compatibility at these sites due to conducted, as well
as radiated, radio frequency interference.
This equipment complies with IEC 61000-3-11 and can be connected to public, low-voltage supply networks provided that the
public, low-voltage supply network’s impedance at the coupling point is less than Zmax = 0.20 Ohms. It is the installer or user’s
responsibility to ensure that the network impedance complies with the impedance restrictions, this may involve consulting with
the grid operator.
IEC 61000-3-12
This equipment complies with IEC 61000-3-12.
An electric current passing through any conductor produces localised electric and magnetic fields (EMF). The welding current
produces an electromagnetic field around the welding circuit and the welding equipment.
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can interfere with some medical implants, such as pacemakers. Protective measures must be taken for those persons
with medical implants. For example, restricted access for passers-by or an individual risk assessment for welders.