Touching the red triangle on the left above side of the screen, it is possible to read the alarm and eventually
reset it.
The alarms history, as well as their code, date and hour are displayed.
To reset the alarm, or the alarms (in case more than one oc
curred), touch the “red triangle” icons on the left
When the “red triangle” icon is touched, its color changed in Gray: this means that the alarm has been read.
Probable causes of an alarm are:
cod. 0000 temperature probe damaged
cod. 0001 gas control device block (only for gas heated ironer)
cod. 0002 gas pressure too much low (only for gas heated ironer)
cod. 0003 ironing roller overheating (safety thermostat intervention)
cod. 0004 side doors open
cod. 0005 emergency crank introduced
cod. 0006 left emergency stop on
cod. 0007 right emergency stop on
cod. 0008 safe hand bar not free to work
cod. 0009 motor overheating
cod. 0010 RESET button on (on the left side)
cod. 0011 no compressed air
The ironer stays in alarm until the problem is solved.
When the alarm is reset, the buzzer stops to ring, and the ironing cycle can start again.
In case of the alarm cause is the gas control device blocked, to reset the alarm it is necessary, not only to
touch the “red triangle,” but also to touch the icon “ALARM CLEAR” nr. 9 on the main screen.
Some effects may be different for machines with or without a bending machine.
The light of the SAFETY RESET button does not turn
off, even by pressing the RESET button
Check if:
the side panels are closed
there is something that clutters the hand protection
one or both emergency mushrooms is inserted
call technical support
The grille does not dry enough: the fabrics still come out
Check if:
the ironing speed is too high, in reference to the
degree of residual moisture of the fabrics
the drying temperature is too low
the exhaust of the humid air is obstructed: in this case
the air pressure switch does not enable the ignition of
the flame control unit (only for gas machines)
the cooling function was incorrectly selected
the safety of the maximum temperature probe has
been triggered: it must be reset manually
call technical support