The air pressure regulation depends on the weight of the fabrics you need to iron. Heavier is the fabric, higher is
the air blow pressure you need.
Air pressure regulation for first and second fold is different. For the second fold the weight to move is double.
During operation it must be remembered to use the entire length of the roller, to keep uniform temperature over the
entire length of the machine.
The temperature to be used must follow the temperatures allowed by the characteristic plates of the fabrics to be ironed.
Also remember that the conditions of residual moisture of the fabrics to be dried and ironed should not be more than
50%. The drying Ironer must therefore be used on fabrics that have been centrifuged with a high centrifugation G-factor
washing machine ≥ 300. Its purpose is to dry and simultaneously iron the flat garments.
The productivity values detectable by the technical data sheets are recorded according to ISO 9398.
The formation of yellow stains on the stretched fabrics, signals the presence of detergent not carefully eliminated
during rinsing!
The formation of folds on the stretched fabrics can be generated by too low residual moisture. Also pay attention
to the thicknesses of the fabrics. Significant differences in thickness (due, for example, to the lateral seams), can
give rise to the formation of wrinkles and difficulties of insertion.
Even the passage of a double or folded fabric can be the origin of folds or curls, therefore it should be avoided.
The ironing work must not begin until the minimum temperature of 80 ° C is reached, and in any case not before
the minimum temperature necessary for the ironing of the fabrics during processing is reached.
In case of emergency and need for a quick stop of the machine, press one of the emergency buttons on the sides
of the machine. When the emergency button is pressed, the ironing roller stops sand the temperature is above 80
° C, you can burn the ironing bands. If the machine cannot be restarted, use damp sheets by passing them
between roller and bands, and rotating the roller by hand as described in the relevant paragraph. The operation
must be repeated until the temperature drops below 80 ° C.
The ironing area is delimited by ironing bands and introduction bands. Ironing on the outside of the
introduction bands can give rise to stains on the fabrics.