Cinemage User Manual
Version 4.1.x ©2010
Chapter 2: Menu Overview
In reading this section note that location of menu options may change over product
revisions. Furthermore, available menu choices will vary depending on model number
and installed options. Functions that are dependent on installed options are marked as
The Cinemage and Cinemage B Series monitors run off of the same menu
systems. If there is a discrepancy in functionality or actual menu navigation it will be
noted in the appropriate section of the manual.
Cinemage and Cinemage B Series monitors will accept and display SD and 2K
video signals, but with slightly limited functionality. Some of the video processing
features available in HD Mode will not function in SD mode, such as the Waveform and
Vectorscope and the Framestore. The Menu structure for SD operations is identical to
HD operations, with the exception of the non-operational options’ buttons being hidden.
External Menu Control
The menu system can be controlled via an external USB keyboard or keypad or with the
Cinemage Remote Control Panel. The buttons on the front of your Cinemage
correspond with the 1-6 buttons of a keyboard, and the trackball can be controlled using
the up, down, left, and right keys of the USB keyboard. There are also multiplier
commands available for greater control of the trackball. The multiplier keys are as
Shift + Arrow = 10x
Alt + Shift + Arrow = 100x
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Arrow = 1000x
When using a USB mouse with either the Cinemage or Cinemage B Series monitors,
the mouse serves the same functionality as the trackball in addition to navigating the
menus without having to press the 6 menu buttons. Using the wheel on the USB mouse
(if present) with enable you to go forward or backward in the cyclical menus that appear
in the Cinemage and Cinemage B Series monitors.
Main Menu
After the system performs a power up self test the following menu will appear at the
bottom 60 lines of the LCD display. These 60 lines are not part of the active pixel area
of a 1920x1080 signal.
Main Menu
Each menu item corresponds to one of six buttons found directly underneath each
menu. The seventh menu item (far right menu) is controlled by the trackball.
Cinemage 2142
Press for lockout menu
Operator Menus
System Menus
Setup Menus
Display Control
original settings