The siren connects directly to the siren output on the board with
the positive of the siren to the + terminal, and the negative to the
- terminal.
The output can drive up to a 30 watt siren.
A transformer of no less than 30VA should be used to supply 16V
AC to the IDS805 alarm panel.
Radio Tx
Auxiliary 12V
The IDS805 Alarm Panel can supply 750mA of power to all peripherals,
including keypads and receivers. To check that the power consumption is
not exceeded: add all the device’s current consumptions, except the radio
transmitter, that are connected together and then subtract the total from
750mA. The result is the amount of current available for peripheral devices,
such as passive infrared devices, beams, etc.
Note: If 750mA is exceeded this will take current away from the battery
charging circuit and the battery may never fully charge
Power supply to any radio transmitter
While it may seem unnecessary to some, in order to carry the full
transmit current without any significant volt drop in the cable length
between the battery and the radio, it is necessary to use mains
cable that is rated no less than 5 amps.
(While a few volts dropped from 220VAC may not be significant, a
two volt drop from 12Vdc is a very significant percentage – this is
why a thicker cable is needed.)
Measure the voltage at the radio (NOT across the supply), when
the radio is transmitting, the supply voltage should not drop by
more than a volt. A drop approaching two volts would indicate that
either the cable is not satisfactory or the supply cannot deliver
enough current.
If you are connecting your radio directly to the battery, the dynamic
battery test may fail.