Stay Zones
These are the zones that will be automatically disabled when the system arms in the stay mode.
To create stay zones:
Press and hold the [3] key for 3 seconds
Press the [zone number] keep selecting all required zones
Once complete press [#]
Two stay profiles can be created
To enter into the second profile:
Press [Mode] then [9] then [profile number] [*]
Create the stay zones as above.
When in this mode and zones are flashing, this indicates buzz zones.
When arming in the stay mode, the profile that is selected, via the previous procedure will be used.
To remove chime zones follow the same steps
Buzz Zones
A buzz zone is only active when the alarm armed in the stay mode. A buzz zone when opened will buzz
the keypad for 30 seconds, allowing a user code to be entered to disarm the system, before going into
an alarm condition.
To activate buzz zones:
Press and hold the [4] key
Press the [zone number] and continue until all have been selected.
Press [#] to exit.
Note: If a zone is flashing, this indicates a zone that is selected as a stay zone, when entering this option.
You will not be able to select these zones as buzz zones.
To remove buzz zones follow the same steps
Master User Functions
The IDS805 Alarm Panel has 15 programmable user codes.
Code 1:
Master User Code (Default 1234)
Code 2 – 13:
General User Codes
Code 14:
Maid’s Code
Code 15:
Duress Code
By default only one code is factory programmed and that is the “master code”. By default it is
programmed as “1234”.
To programme any other codes into the system the master user code must be used.
Adding General User Codes
A general user code can only arm and disarm the alarm.
[*] [master code] [*] [user number] [*] [ user code] [*]
Press and hold [*] key for 3 seconds
Enter master code. [1] [2] [3] [4] [*]
User number. [5] [*]
User code. [3] [4] [5] [6] [*]