Away Arming
Away arming is when the system arms with all entry / exit zones actively monitoring any violations, to
trigger the entry / exit cycle. The entry / exit cycle is the time programmed to allow the person to either
exit or enter and insert a user code, without the system going into an alarm state.
There are two ways of arming the system:
Enter a user code and exit through the entry / exit zone during the arm cycle.
Press and hold the [1] key until the exit delay begins and then exit.
Stay Arming
Stay arming is for the protection of the people within the building. This mode allows the automatic
bypassing of internal detectors, while arming external detectors allowing the people inside to freely move
around but if someone tries to enter or exit the alarm is triggered.
There are two ways of arming in the away mode:
Press and hold the [5] key until armed. (The stay arm key can be disabled)
Enter a user code and do not exit the building through an entry / exit zone. (This option can be
Stay & Go
This function offers both away arm and stay arm functionality. The system will arm in the stay mode but
all entry / exit zones will be active.
To arm in the Stay & go mode:
Press and hold the [6] key until the exit delay begins.
Bypassing Zones
Bypassing a zone is disabling the zone. Normally used if a zone is faulty and the system needs to be
armed but will not due to the zone being violated.
To bypass a zone:
Press the [*] then [zone number] the zone light will stop flashing and remain on. (If more than one
zone needs bypassing, press next [zone number]...until complete)
Once complete press [#] to exit. (All bypassed zone LEDs will be on steady)
To clear a bypassed zones follow the same steps.
Note: All bypassed zones will be cleared when the alarm is disarmed.
Chime Zones
Chime zones are zones that have been selected to beep the keypad if opened while the system is
disarmed. This allows a person to be alerted if the violation takes place in an area that has nobody to
monitor that area.
To enable chime zones:
Press and hold the [3] key for 3 seconds
Press the [zone number] select all zones required to be chime zones.
When complete press [#]
To remove a chime zone follow the same steps.