Location 158 to 165: Zone Programmable Outputs
If a zone is violated and an output has been associated with it, that output will trigger.
Note: If the zone is only active when the alarm is armed, i.e. an instant zone, then the output will only
activate when the system is armed. If the zone is always active, i.e. panic zone, then the output will trigger
when the zone is triggered.
By default all are disabled.
Location 166: Low Battery Restore Output
This location works in conjunction with location 24, Low Battery output. Normally when a low battery is
detected an output will be triggered to latch high. Once the battery has been charged or replaced this
location is set to restore the output set in location 24 back to 0V.
Location 167: Telephone Line Monitoring Fail Output
This will trigger an output if the telephone line goes missing
Location 168: Telephone Line Monitoring Restore Output
This triggers an output when the telephone line is restored to working order
Location 169: Siren Tamper Output
When the siren is restored the output set here will trigger
Location 170: Box Tamper Output
If a switch is connected to the box tamper pins on the board and box tamper monitoring is enabled, a
violation of the switch would cause an output to trigger
Location 800: System Time
This will set the system clock. This is important when trying to read information from the event log.
Location 801: Auto-test Time
This is the time of day the system will send a test signal to the monitoring company to confirm that it can
communicate with it.
Location 802: Auto Arm Time
The time entered in this location will be the time the system will automatically arm itself, each day