Examples: on how to read the data in a location.
Enter programming.
Enter Location 8. What is the value in this location? _______________
Location 0: Defaulting
There are two ways of resetting the system back to factory default, hardware button, described on page
8 or via programming. The programming way gives 3 options, as seen in the table below.
Value Description
Resets all locations to the factory default values as shown in the
DEFAULT column in the programming list. All user codes will also be defaulted and
the master user code will become 1234. (Same as a hardware reset)
Will default the master user code to 1234 only. Nothing else will be defaulted.
Will reset all reporting codes to 0. If a communicator format other than Contact ID is
used, the reporting codes need to be reprogrammed. It is advisable to default all
reporting codes to 0 prior to reprogramming the codes.
Note: In all locations where a table is shown the value column is what must be entered.
[9] [9] [9] [9] [0] [*] [0] [*]
Installer Code Location Value
Value 3
+ 8
Value 10