Glossary of terms
Alarm Memory
This is the history of the most recent violations that occurred the last time the system was armed. Alarm
memory is always cleared when the system is armed.
In this mode, violating a zone will activate an alarm condition. If the system is programmed accordingly, it
will cause a reporting code to be sent to the monitoring company.
To deactivate a zone. When the panel is ARMED, violation of a bypassed zone will be ignored.
To change the system from an armed state to an unarmed state. Fire, medical and panic functions remain
active while the system is disarmed.
Entry/Exit Zone
A zone with a programmable time delay, which allows the user to exit the premises after arming the
system and time to get to the keypad after entering the armed premises. This zone is generally the last exit
point of the building and the first entry point i.e. the front door of a home.
Follower Zone
A zone that may be temporarily violated during the exit delay period or after violation of an Entry/Exit zone.
This allows the user access to disarm the system. A Follower zone will behave as per an Instant zone if
violated prior to the violation of an Entry/Exit zone.
Instant Zone
When the system is armed, violation of an Instant zone will immediately cause an alarm condition to be
Stay Arm
Arming that allows for certain preprogrammed, STAY zones to be violated while the system is armed.
Stay Arm and Go
Arming that allows the user to STAY ARM and leave the premises.
Stay Zone
Zones which are bypassed automatically when the system is STAY ARMED.
A specific area of your premises guarded by sensors which detect violations of that area.