DOC E10523 Rev.D
Interactive Circuits And Systems Ltd. 2000
MODE<31> This bit controls the maximum transfer size of the SCV64. When set
to '0', the maximum programmable transfer size is 4K (12 bit transfer
count). When set to '1', the maximum is 2M (20 bit transfer count).
MODE<28> This bit should always be written as '1'.
MODE<26> This bit should always be written as '1'.
MODE<23> When set to '0', the SCV64 uses non-privileged AM codes when
doing Master transfers. When set to '1' it uses supervisory AM
codes. Must be cleared if MODE<20> is set to '1'.
MODE<20> When set to '1' SCV64 Master transfer cycles are performed using
A64 addressing on the VMEbus. Otherwise A32 or A24 cycles are
used, as determined by MODE<9>.
MODE<19> When set to '1', SCV64 Master transfer cycles are performed using
MBLT (D64) cycles on the VMEbus. Must be cleared if MODE<9> is
set to '1' or if MODE<18> is set to '1'.
MODE<18> When set to '1' SCV64 Master transfer cycles are performed using
BLT cycles on the VMEbus. Must be cleared if MODE<19> is set to
MODE<16> When set to '0' SCV64 Master transfer cycles are performed from
ADC memory to the VMEbus, and from the VMEbus to DAC memory
when '1'.
MODE<15:13> These bits should always be written as all '1's.
MODE<12> When set to '1', the receive FIFOs couple VME and local buses.
When '0', busses are uncoupled. Should normally be written as '0',
except when accessing SA64BAR and MA64BAR registers (see
decriptions below).
MODE<10> When set to '0' the VMEbus Slave image of the ICS-130 is disabled
(will not respond), and enabled when set to '1'.