3.8.13 Controlling the Relay Driver Outputs
The Relay Driver Outputs are controlled with the ROUTe commands. e.g.
'turns on Driver #5 which applies power
to the motor in Example 3-2.
C5 or C 5
'Short form command to turn on #5
'turns the driver off
3.8.14 Personalizing the IDN Message
The IDN message is changed with the CALIBRATE subsystem commands.
Change the IDN message to personalize the unit's response, to identify the
end product as being from your company and to record product history or
revision dates. The IDN message is a lockable parameter and if locked,
needs to be unlocked before being changed. The format for the IEEE 488.2
IDN message is four fields (company, model#, serial number and revision)
separated by commas and a maximum of 72 characters long. The word
"model" may not be used in an IEEE-488.2 IDN message. An example IDN
message change sequence is:
'unlocks all parameters
CAL:IDN Acme Widgets Co, 101, s/n 007, Rev 10 0/08/99
CAL:DATe 01-15-99
'saves new IDN message
'Note-use the current date
'relocks all parameters
*SAV 0
'saves lock status
3.8.15 Locking Setup Parameters
All of the interface configuration parameters can be locked to prevent
accidental change by the a user. These lockable parameters are noted by a
# symbol in Tables 1-2 and 1-3. Locked parameters cannot be queried or
changed while locked. Any command that addresses a locked parameter is
not executed, the Command Error bit in the Event Status Register is asserted
and the ERR LED is lit. The lock function is saved by the *SAV 0
command. An example is:
'blocks unauthorized changes
*SAV 0
'saves lock condition