To delete numbers, one at a time, touch CLEAR on the screen.
To clear your operation history, press MENU and select „Clear history‟.
11.4 To Do
It allows you to quickly and easily track and organize all of your to-do tasks. You can also set the expiry date of the task.
11.5 File Manager
File Manager is an application which provides you easy access to all your media files, images, documents present in your
phone and in your SD card. It shows you the total storage capacity and the available memory of the device. You can create,
view, share, and delete, copy, paste files on your phone using this application
12. Location
12.1 Maps
Google Maps is a built-in app which helps you find a location, the distance to that location from your current location, and the
directions to that location.
Enter a keyword for the location and select to search for a location.
13. Google Applications
13.1 Gmail
Gmail is a free advertising supported email service provided by Google.
Users may access Gmail as secure
webmail as well as via POP3 or IMAP4 protocols. Gmail has a search oriented interface. Gmail runs on Google
GFE/2.0 on Linux.