TC 449 2011/2012 I.E.
TE 449 - 511 2011/2012 I.E.
TXC 449 - 511 2011/2012 I.E.
SMR 449 2011 I.E.
SMR 511 2011/2012 I.E.
Workshop Manual Ed. 03-2012
Wheel servicing
Check the wheel hub bearings for wear. If you find too much (radial or axial)
clearance, replace the bearings as follows:
- place the hub on a flat surface with an appropriate hole (for when you knock
out the bearing);
- use a hammer and a punch to knock out the bearing; apply pressure only on
the inner race of the bearing (see figure);
- tap at different positions so as to keep the bearing square in its seat;
- remove the spacer and use the same procedure for the other bearing.
Discard the bearings after removal. Never reuse them.
Before installing the new bearings, check to ensure the seat is clean and shows
no grooves or scratches. Lubricate the seat before installing the bearing. Drive
the bearing into place using the special installer that only applies pressure to the
outer race. Fit the spacer and the other bearing. Check for perfect alignment as
you slide the axle into place.
Wheels should be balanced after each service.
Wheel axle warpage
If warped beyond the maximum limit allowed, the axle must be straightened or
replaced. Replace the axle if it cannot be straightened so as to meet the maxi
mum limit allowed.
Axle runout over 100 mm
Wheel axle
Max limit
Wheel axle
less than 0.1 mm
0.2 mm (0.0078 in.)