TC 449 2011/2012 I.E.
TE 449 - 511 2011/2012 I.E.
TXC 449 - 511 2011/2012 I.E.
SMR 449 2011 I.E.
SMR 511 2011/2012 I.E.
Workshop Manual Ed. 03-2012
Crankshaft axial clearance adjustment, left side
• Measure left bearing (C) seat depth using a depth gauge.
• Add to this value half of crankcase gasket value.
• The value measured on left crankshaft (A1) is deducted from the measured
left bearing seat depth (C + half gasket value). If needed, adjust axial clear
ance using a thrust washer.
Technical specifications
Crankcase gasket
0.5 mm
Crankshaft space
washer thickness
0.1 mm
0.15 mm
0.2 mm
0.25 mm
0.3 mm
Crankshaft axial clearance adjustment, right side
• Measure right bearing (D) seat depth using a depth gauge.
• Add to this value half of crankcase gasket value.
• The value measured on right crankshaft (A1 + B) is deducted from the meas
ured right bearing seat depth (C + half gasket value). If needed, adjust axial
clearance using a thrust washer.
Technical specifications
Crankcase gasket
0.5 mm
Crankshaft space
washer thickness
0.1 mm
0.15 mm
0.2 mm
0.25 mm
0.3 mm