Emphasis on performance
Operations you perform are executed in the background. This means you can start the next operation
without waiting for the previous one to complete.
Wizards and task management
Wizards are provided for each main task. The wizard guides you through all the subtasks that you
ordinarily perform one at a time. For example, the Create V-VOLs wizard guides you through a series of
screens in which you create the LDEVs for the V-VOLs and add LUN paths by selecting LDEVs, selecting
host groups, and mapping LUNs.
Remote Web Console also provides a window checking on the tasks you have committed to the system.
window provides detailed information about each task and shows the priority and status of
each task you are tracking.
Remote Web Console provides views of various aspects of your storage system. In addition to these
views, you can generate a report for specific areas of the system. Reports can be generated for a
summary of the system data, ports, Channel Adapters, and disk adapters. A total of 20 configuration
reports can be generated. Reports are formatted in either CSV or HTML. Use these reports to determine
if the storage system configurations have changed properly.
The Report Configuration Tool allows you to create a configuration report by using a command prompt.
You can automate the creation or deletion of configuration reports by writing
script files. Use the
Windows Task Scheduler to execute the script files at regular intervals.
Remote Web Console online help provides procedural information for setting up and managing the
storage system. Links to the major storage system tasks, search functions, and glossary are included.
Remote Web Console CLI
The Remote Web Console CLI allows you to perform commands on the storage system using the
command prompt. To use the CLI, you need to install certain files on the Remote Web Console computer.
The CLI can be used to perform only specific operations for specific software. For details on the Remote
Web Console CLI, see the
XP P9000 Spreadsheet Guide
Remote Web Console components
The following figure shows an example of the Remote Web Console computer and SVP configuration.
Remote Web Console overview