Error Recovery
HP Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Writer: Ted Weiman File Name: f-ch5 Error Recovery.doc
Codename: Generic TSG Part Number: 161759-007 Last Saved On: 11/19/02 9:36 AM
Initiating Diagnostics
Initiating Diagnostics is only supported on systems that use the System Configuration
Utility. When a critical error occurs and you have enabled ASR-2 to initiate
Diagnostics, the operating system-specific Health Driver logs critical error
information in the IML, and ASR-2 restarts the server. When the system reinitializes,
ASR-2 starts Diagnostics from the hard drive.
If Dial-In status is enabled, the modem is placed in auto-answer mode. If you enable
Dial-Out status, you are automatically enabled for Dial-In status.
If Network Status is enabled, the appropriate network support software (IP or IPX,
depending on the network protocol) is loaded. This software allows remote access
through the network.
Diagnostics are loaded from a specially created system partition on the hard
drive. This partition was configured during server configuration.
You can access the server and view the Server Health Logs:
In servers not supporting the IML
Remotely by non-PCI modem
In-band over the network
Directly from the server
For modem access, you must have either Insight Manager 2.0 or later, or have a
VT100 or ANSI terminal-type device. You can use a standard CRT with VT100 or
ANSI emulation capability, or you can use a personal computer (PC) with a VT100
or ANSI terminal emulation package. The communication parameters must be set for
8-data bits, no parity, and 1-stop bit.
You can also enable ASR-2 to allow network access by using the Network Status
feature in the System Configuration Utility. You must have either Insight
Manager 2.0 or later or a Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT) emulator on an IPX
network to use this feature. You must also have version 2.24 or later of the System
Configuration Utility. For IP access, you must have either Insight Manager 2.10 or
later, or a Telnet Terminal Emulator to use this feature. You also must have
version 2.24 or later of the System Configuration Utility.