Shut Down the Array Using the CLI
This action shuts down the array and any expansion shelves managed by the array.
For most hardware changes you do not need to shut down (power off) the array because the components are redundant and
hot swappable.
CAUTION: When you shut down the array, all volumes go offline.
1. Determine the name of the array.
array --list
The name of the array appears in the list.
2. Halt the array.
halt --array array_name
$ halt --array datamaster-a
Restart the Array
You rarely need to restart an array.
You must use the CLI to restart the array. Any expansion shelves managed by the array also restart.
CAUTION: When you restart the array, all volumes temporarily go offline.
1. Determine the name of the array.
array --list
The name of the array appears in the list.
2. Reboot the array.
reboot --array array name
reboot --array datamaster-a
Array LEDs
The array front LEDs are located on the right handle.
Array Components 46