TCP/IP Network Configuration Information
IP Configuration Mode
How this unit was configured (manual or DHCP).
IP Address
IP address of this appliance.
Subnet Mask
IP subnet mask of this appliance.
Default Gateway
Default gateway of this appliance.
Domain Name Server (DNS)
IP address of the DNS server.
DNS Domain Name
Name of the IP domain to which this appliance belongs.
Microsoft Networking Configuration Information
Print Server Appliance Name
Name of the appliance.
Windows NT Domain or
Microsoft (R) domain or workgroup on which this appliance is.
WINS Server Address
IP address of the WINS server.
NT Domain Authentication
Status of NT Domain authentication (checked is enabled or "on").
NT Domain Membership Status
Current status of the appliance's membership in the NT domain.
Domain Controller Auto
Status of auto discovery (checked is enabled or "on").
Specified Domain Controllers
List of domain controllers.
LPD Printing Mode
Status of LPD printing (checked is enabled or "on").
Specified LPD Hosts
List of host names permitted to print and manage print jobs using
Printers Information
This section consists of two lines:
The first line lists the printer name, the IP address or hostname, the remote queue name, drivers the printer is
bound to, the number of print jobs in the queue, and the printer status.
The second line lists the security rights for the printer (who can print and at what level of access).