the firmware is upgraded to ensure proper driver performance. Even if the driver was working on the older version of
firmware (2.2.xx), it is recommended that you initialize the driver after the firmware is upgraded. Go to the Printers
page and click
for that printer. Then select Drivers. In the drop-down list, select the default printer driver (HP
LaserJet 4) and click
. Then, select the original driver and click
again. If this driver has not been
initialized you will be prompted to initialize it. This will need to be done on a printer-by-printer basis.
Once a driver has been initialized, it will not have to be initialized again. But, each printer associated with that driver
will need to be re-associated with the driver in order for the initialized settings to take effect. After a printer has been
re-associated with an initialized driver, all driver configuration settings for that printer will need to be reset.
Printer Properties - Drivers Page
Field Name
Printer Name
Name of the printer as entered in the Printer Name field on the Add Printer page in the
web interface. This name is displayed in Network Neighborhood as an available printer
configured on the appliance.
Client Printer Driver
Displays all printer drivers added to the appliance, and highlights the driver currently
associated with the specified printer. To change the driver for the printer, highlight a
different driver and click