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1 Dec 2003
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E. ITA-81A Traffic Display
The ITA-81A Traffic Display is a CRT display for TCAS traffic data only (Figure
2014). The
ITA-81A receives traffic display data from the TCAS processor through a high-speed ARINC
429 data bus. The ITA-81A does not show resolution advisories. Refer to Table
17 for the
ITA-81A Traffic Display Input and Output.
F. PPI Traffic Advisory Display Option
The TCAS/PPI is a group of two displays. The first is the usual radar displays of weather, map,
or auxiliary data. The second is TCAS traffic data. Each display can be presented
independently or overlaid. By combining the radar and TCAS displays, the pilot can monitor
traffic while avoiding weather. The PPI receives traffic display data from the TCAS processor
through a high-speed ARINC 429 data bus. The PPI does not show resolution advisories.
G. Mode S Transponder
The Mode S Transponder does the following functions in the CAS-100 system:
Automatically transmits 1090 MHz Mode S squitter messages each second. These
squitter messages tell other TCAS equipped aircraft and ground stations that own
Mode S equipped aircraft is present.
Receives transmit messages from other TCAS equipped aircraft and tells own
TCAS processor that transmit message was received.
Replies to 1030 MHz Mode S interrogations from other TCAS equipped aircraft.
Replies to 1030 MHz Mode A, Mode C, and Mode S interrogations from ATC
ground stations with a 1090 MHz message in the standard procedure.
Transmits 1090 MHz resolution advisory air-to-air coordination message data
(received from the TCAS processor) during threat conditions between own and
other TCAS equipped aircraft.