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1 Dec 2003
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Table 19. CTA-81B Control Unit Controls and Indicators
(See Figure 11)
Function Selector Switch
ATC 1 TA Position
(TCAS sensitivity level No. 2). The Mode S transponder transmits
squitters and replies to the Mode S, ATCRBS Mode C, and Mode A
interrogations. The TCAS broadcasts and does all the Mode S and
ATCRBS surveillance and tracking functions. The TCAS supplies
the traffic displays for TA, proximity, and nonthreat category aircraft
(NOTE 3 for exception)
, but does not categorize or show one
aircraft as a RA threat symbol. The TCAS gives the traffic advisory
alerts, but does not give resolution advisory alerts (for example,
voice RA alerts or RA indications on the traffic display are not
given). A TA ONLY mode annunciation comes into view on the
traffic display.
On-the-Ground - Power is not applied to ATCRBS transponder.
The Mode S transponder squitters and replies fully to the Mode S
interrogations. Depending on the Mode S transponder strapping,
the transponder replies fully or does not reply to ATCRBS Mode C
and Mode A interrogations. Depending on the TCAS strapping,
TCAS goes into STANDBY mode (traffic display screen is erased,
but for a TCAS STBY annunciation), or is in TA mode (TA ONLY
mode annunciation shows on the traffic display). TA ONLY mode
operation on-the-ground is same as TCAS TA ONLY mode
operation in-flight as shown above.
ATC 1 TA/RA Position
In-Flight - Turns on the Mode S transponder to full on condition and
removes the power from ATCRBS transponder. If own aircraft is
above 500 feet AGL, the TCAS goes into sensitivity level No. 4
through No. 7 dependent on own aircraft altitude (refer to Table 7).