Page 1008
1 Dec 2003
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C. Using TCAS Processor Front-Panel Buttons and LCD Display
to applicable Mode S transponder system maintenance manual for front-panel
tests of Mode S transponder.
(1) General
The TPA-100A TCAS Processor front panel contains a four-line, 16 character for each
line Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and two pushbutton controls as shown in Figure 1002
The left pushbutton is the Scroll button and the right button is the Select button.
If none of the two pushbuttons is operated for one minute, the Main Menu is shown. See
Figure 1005 for a typical Main Menu. The first line of each display contains a title and the
page number is shown with the number of pages that comprise that display.
Any line that has an asterisk (*) in the first column shows that the line is selectable. The
caret (>) shows the location of a selectable item if the Select pushbutton is pushed.
When an item is chosen, a different menu is shown. Any line that does not have an
asterisk or a caret is a text line and can not be selected.
The Scroll pushbutton moves the caret down the page to the subsequent selectable item
or to the subsequent page if that is where the next selectable item is located.
When the caret has cycled through all the selectable items on all pages of the menu, it
returns to the top selectable item on the first page of the menu.
To return to the previous selection, push and hold the Scroll button while the Select
button is pushed. Repeating this procedure causes the display to go back to the previous