Page 1034
1 Dec 2003
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5 Pitch
An example of a Pitch display screen is shown in Figure 1014. The line two
shows the data from ARINC 429 Mag Heading/Allotted data bus (label 324). The
(+) shows that source is the active source. If the Pitch data from the 429 data
source is not correct, then line two can show INVALID. The line three shows the
data from a Pitch attitude synchro. In this case the data is correct.
Pitch Display Screen Example
Figure 1014
6 Heading
There are two types of heading data, one is ARINC 429 and the other is synchro.
There are two types of ARINC 429 heading data, true and magnetic. An
example of a Heading display is shown in Figure 1015. The second line shows
the true heading data from ARINC 429 label 314. The (+) indicated that data
source is the active source. If the data from one of the data sources is not
correct, then it can show INVALID (as shown on the line three). The line three
shows Magnetic heading data from ARINC 429 data source (label 320). The line
four shows the data from the Magnetic Synchro data source. In this case the
data is incorrect.
Heading Display Screen Example
Figure 1015