Page 55
1 Dec 2003
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(3) Traffic Display
The TA/VSI traffic display shows adjacent intruder aircraft that have Mode S or ATCRBS
Mode A/C transponders, are sensed on a directional antenna, and are in the display
The TCAS processor interface also supports traffic displays on a dedicated
traffic display or a PPI radar display changed for TCAS. The unit set to
show traffic depends on equipment present in the aircraft and other user
specifications. The TCAS processor gives traffic display and resolution advisory
data output on two isolated high-speed ARINC 429 data bus outputs.
Graphics supplied on the traffic display alert the pilot to traffic advisory conditions,
resolution advisory conditions, and show the TCAS operational modes and failure
conditions. The selected traffic display functions as a self-sufficient auxiliary device
controlled by the TPA-100A TCAS processor through one high-speed ARINC 429 data
bus. The traffic displays are secondary displays in the total CAS-100 system. (Resolution
advisories on the TA/VSI and RA/VSI are the primary TCAS displays). The traffic display
helps the pilot visually acquire a threat intruder aircraft before resolution advisory threat
The traffic display data from the TPA-100A TCAS processor through the high-speed
ARINC 429 data link includes the following:
(a) Intruder aircraft range
(b) Intruder aircraft relative altitude (if available)
Intruder aircraft bearing (if available)
(d) Intruder category (resolution advisory threat; traffic advisory; proximity; or
(e) Own aircraft altitude, in Flight Level (FL) mode only
Own aircraft operating mode (sensitivity level)
(g) Own aircraft heading (EFIS display only)
(h) Advisory alert data
TCAS failure status data