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1 Dec 2003
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H. PPI Radar/TCAS Display
The PPI Radar/TCAS display shown in Figure 16 gives its usual separate weather radar
display and can be manually controlled to show an isolated TCAS traffic display or a total
weather radar/TCAS presentation.
The PPI Radar/TCAS display integration into the CAS-100 system is given in isolated manuals
recorded in Table Intro-1.
A pilot manual supplied by Honeywell gives the PPI Radar/TCAS display
operation in
I. Optional Aural/Lamp Advisory Outputs
Optional aural and lamp traffic advisory and resolution advisory output are available. The
advisories can be activated by connecting the external tone generators and/or indicator lamps
to the applicable rear connector pins on the TCAS processor.
The aural advisory output is to supply tones that accompany corrective, preventive, and traffic
advisories given by the TCAS processor. The started aural advisory discrete output is given
for a 1.0 ± 0.2 second period. When the aural advisory discrete output is for an installation,
the Audio Tone Enable Program pin must be strapped. This strap supplies a 1.0 ± 0.2 second
interval of the synthesized voice output to be properly phased with the aural advisories. The
lamp advisory output can be to operate annunciator lights that identify the advisory as a
corrective, preventive, or traffic advisory. The output stays on during the advisory unless
cancelled (see paragraph J., below).
J. Audio Message Alerts
Audio message alerts given by TCAS on the cockpit audio system are shown in Figure 13.
K. TCAS Processor and Mode S Transponder Front Panel Indicators and TEST Switch
These front panel indicators and TEST switches give a fault isolation maintenance aid in the
failure conditions where the traffic advisory display subsystem is defective and cannot show
the TCAS failure annunciations. Refer to the TESTING AND FAULT ISOLATION and the
MAINTENANCE PRACTICES sections of this manual for the details.
L. Optional Advisory Cancel Switch
This momentary switch cancels in operation advisory alert conditions.