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Version 1.18.0
Glossary and abbreviations
APS-90, APS-180 and APS-90-Outdoor-PoE
IBM Watson IoT Platform
IP address
MAC address
Push service
Application protocol for data transmissions in networks. HTTP is the basis for data com-
munications in the World Wide Web.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
Application protocol for secure communication in networks
IBM cloud platform for Internet of Things including APS by MQTT protocol.
The International Electrotechnical Commission is an international standards organization
that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and
related technologies.
Internet of Things
The Internet of things is the network of devices, sensors and servers which allows these
things to connect, interact and exchange data.
Internet Protocol address
Manually or dynamically assigned in the network
JavaScript Object Notation
Used by the APS REST interface.
Media Access Control address
Unique hardware address of a network device.
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
ISO standard 20922 publish-subscribe-based messaging protocol
Network Address Translation
Process of modifying IP address information during transit across a traffic routing device
NT LAN Manager
Security protocol for authentification at http proxy
Network Time Protocol
Protocol for the synchronization of time and date settings
Optical Self Diagnosis
Software function for checking the visual range
Power over Ethernet
Procedures for powering network devices over the eight-wire Ethernet cable
The People Sensing Platform is a cloud based service of HELLA Aglaia to config devices
and analyze data.
Sending data from the APS to a data server (the connection is established by the APS)
Remote Access Service