The controller integrates some specific functions that can be configured in this menu:
Manual retransfer
If this function is active (“YES”), when loads are supplied from the emergency source, the controller will not come back to the normal
source when this one comes back until a confirmation order is received through the display or through an input (configured to do so).
This applies also to TEST ON LOAD requests, a manual retransfer will be required to go back to the prioritary source.
Every time the Manual Retransfer is requested, a pop-up will appear on the screen allowing the user to act immediately or it can be
dismissed and done any other time by using the menu CONTROL/MANUAL RETRANS:
If the dashboard key is pressed on the keypad while manual retransfer is needed, there will be a bottom message line on screens 1.2
and 2.1 remembering the user that the retransfer approval is required.
Return to 0
This function allows the switch to go to center-off position (only typologies with 0 or center-off position) when both sources are lost or
not available (supply to the load is not good enough due to undervoltage, phase lost, overvoltage, frequency out of limits,…). It can be
used to avoid providing bad quality energy to the loads but also to avoid the power ramp and transients that may occur before the
source is stable to go to the loads, as some loads might be sensitive to these events.
Associated timer to configure:
• RETURN TO 0 (s) (independent for S1 and for S2): time to wait before going to center-off / zero position after losing a source. (starts
counting at same time than the failure timer).
This function will only work if both the switch and the
controller are still supplied (by an external source, UPS
or others, independent from the emergency and normal