Communications Menu:
HZI855 have RS485 communication by default using MODBUS RTU protocol. Inside the communication menu the main parameters to
make that communication effective can be set.
By default 6, any value between 1 and 247 can be used.
All Modbus parameters can be set here:
• BAUDRATE (1200-2400-4800-9600-19200-38400-57600-115200) By default 38400.
• STOP: (1BIT - 2BITS) By default 1 BIT
• PARITY: (ODD-EVEN-NONE) By default none
11.1.6. ALARMS parameters menu
The ALARMS are different from the FAULTS on the Controller. The Alarms are user configurable while the faults are internal to the
product and can’t be disabled. Everything that is critical for the application is set as Fault (chapter 12, maintenance, to know more
about Faults).
All alarms are by default DISABLED and should be enabled if the user wants to use them. For each alarm, it can be set a threshold, an
acknowledgement method, an output type, an output report and a criticality.
this is the value that will trigger the alarm. For the inspection time, for example, it will be the time since the last inspection
(set on Inspection Mode) and for the other types it will be the number of operations/cycles or a time value in seconds.
Acknowledgment method:
Acknowleging an alarm will reset the alarm LED and remove the alarm from the active alarm list until it is
activated again, an alarm should be acknloedged when the user has understood and take action according to the alarm triggered.
Changing the acknowledgment method will allows the user to acknowledge either through : display, communication, or using the
Output type:
the alarms can be associated to an output that will become active while the alarm is active too. The output used can be
chosen between outputs.
a level can be chosen for each alarm between INFORMATION, WARNING and CRITICAL, where this last one represents the
highest level of criticality. This information will be registered in the alarm log.
NOTE: If using the “AUD - Audible alarm” output, it will only be active with the alarms set as CRITICAL.