Example of a full sequence with all the main operation timers:
- Network Main-Genset, priority on Network (Transformer)
- No manual retransfer. Elevator signal active (specific function)
- 1FT = Failure timer S1
- 2ST= Genset start timeout timer
- 2AT= Availability timer S2
- DBT1= Dead band timer S1
- 1RT= Source 1 return timer
- ELD = Elevator delay & ELR = Elevator restore
- DBT2= Dead band timer S2
- 2CT= Cooldown timer genset S2
- 2FT= Source 2 failure/disconnection timer
To see the different timer configuration in detail, consult the TIMERS annex in this instruction manual.
11.1.4. I/O parameters menu
All the I/O can be set on this menu. By default, the controller has 6 inputs and 6 outputs on the controller (called internal Inputs / Outputs).
The I/O menu has the following submenus:
permits configuring the 6 internal inputs
permits configuring the 6 internal outputs
Consult the I/O Annexes in chapters 13.3 and 13.4 to have the full list of functions to be configured on the I/O.