it allows the maintenance person to perform a transfer to
Source 2
and to decide when to go back to the
Source 1
. The testing
of the ENGINE START can be performed using a TEST OFF LOAD test in the menu or assigning the TEST button to this function. The
TEST mode can be launched from both MANUAL or AUTOMATIC modes.
To switch to TEST mode, make sure there are no external inhibitions and click the automatic operation button:
The LCD will prompt the user to enter the operator password. The TEST mode LED will light up.
The switch may transfer as soon as TEST mode has
been enabled, respecting the elevator timers, inphase
timers (for open transition switches with positions
I-II) and center-off position timer (if the switch has a 0
The switch may transfer as soon as TEST mode has been enabled, respecting the elevator timers, in-phase timers (for open transition
switches with positions I-II) and center-off position timer (if the switch has a 0 position).
This mode is activated in case of major faults, switch cover open. In inhibited mode the switch will not be operable using
the controller.
These modes can also be selectable through the display, through inputs or through communications; LED will indicate the state of the
To change the operation mode, a password might
be required.
10.4. Availability conditions
There are 3 different status for the sources:
- Busbar dead
• No voltage present on the source (all voltages below 50V).
- Source present
• Voltage present (at least 1 phase above or equal to 50V) but availability conditions are not reached (see “Source available” below)
- Source available
• To consider the source available:
- the voltage and frequency should be inside the limits set in the operating range
- all phases should be present (according to the network configuration selected)
- sources should not be set by an input as unavailable / inhibited
- phase rotation should be ok (if check rotation is selected in the menu).
For source availability the controller is checking as well the loss of the connectors upstream the sensing connection to the phases and
the neutral:
- Loss of Neutral: will be detected in all cases except for balanced networks with balanced loads, where is not possible to detect the
loss unless the load has a minimum value of unbalance.
- Loss of Phase: will be detected in all cases.
It is not possible to detect a loss of phase or neutral
downstream of the controller's connection to the
supply to the switching device.