Dimming Actuators
Parameter “Preset 1 can be set via the bus”
This parameter defines the possibility to change the preset value. It is able change the preset value with
“enable” and also start the communication object “Set preset 1”, which is used to save the current switch status as
the new preset value. It will save the current brightness status to the “brightness value at obj=0” and replace that
value with “0”; will save the current brightness status to the “brightness value at obj=1” and replace that value
with “1”.Options:
5.5. Parameter window “Staircase Lighting”
It is able to set the parameters of staircase lighting mode in Fig. 5.8.
Fig. 5.8 parameter window “CH X staircase lighting”
Parameter “Duration of staircase lighting : Base”
Set the time of base
: 1.0 s / 2.1 s / … / 1.1 min / … / 1.2 h
Parameter “Duration of staircase lighting : Factor”
Set the time of factor:
When switch on the staircase luminaries by “switch” mode, the ON duration time is: duration=base*factor. It
will switch off the luminaries when the brightness goes down to 20% gradually after the ON duration time.