Dimming Actuators
Parameter “Switch-off mode”
It shows the time duration to switch off the luminaries in switch dimming mode. Options:
Dimming off
Switch off softly
Switch off instantly
The option “Dimming off” means the switch dimming time is the input time multiplies 2. The option “switch
softly” means the default dimming time is 4s. The option “switch off instantly” means the luminaries are switch
off immediately.
Parameter “After bus recover switch on with”
It means in the normal situation, the behavior after the BUS reset is the brightness value before power off or
the preset value. Options:
Preset brightness value
Last brightness value
The option “Preset brightness value” means the brightness value after the BUS power recovers is the input
preset brightness value in the “bus recover preset brightness value (0%~100%)”. If the input preset value is
smaller than the low threshold, the value after the BUS power recovery is the low threshold; if the preset input
value is greater than the high threshold, the value after the BUS power recovery is the high threshold. The high
and low threshold are shown in the parameter window “CH X dimming”, see Fig. 6.5.
The option “Last brightness value” means the brightness value is the last value before power off after BUS
power recovery. It also carry out a bus reset operation after downloading the parameters.
Parameter “Bus recover preset brightness value(0%...100%)”
It is used to set the brightness value during the BUS power recovery, and the range is 0%
Parameter “Status report after telegram to obj “switch”“
It is a backup parameter, do not care it.