Dimming Actuators
Parameter “Sending cycle time in s[1…65535]”
This parameter defines the time interval that the dimmers send the error report by the bus, which will be
started when enabling the error report.Options:
Parameter “output voltage type”
This parameter is used to set the output voltage type of 0/1-10V DC dimming controller. Options:
Parameter “Send object “in operation”
This command is used to send messages “1” or “0” to the BUS periodically to check the device whether is
working or not. Options:
Send value “0” cyclically
Send value “1” cyclically
It will not send any telegram with “
”; and show the following parameters with “Send value ‘0’ cyclically”
or “Send value '1' cyclically” to define the time interval of sending telegram.
Parameter “Sending cycle time in s[1...65535]”
This parameter defines the time interval of the telegram to report the normal working condition of the
dimmer. Options:
5.3. Parameter window “CHX general”
The parameter window of “CH X active” can be seen in Fig. 5.2, which activate or deactivate the output of
Channel X. The “CH X” or “X” in the following text means any one output of the dimmers. The functions are
describing as below and all the channels have them same functions setup.
Fig. 5.2 Parameter window “CH X general”