MDE-4699L Applause™ Media System Installation, Service, and Parts Manual · June 2017
Page E-1
Configuring Content Synchronization Times
Appendix E – Configuring Content Synchronization
By default, the site server will synchronize itself with the Applause Control Center every
four hours, at 00:00, 04:00, 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, and 20:00 local time (six times a day). For
most sites, these times must be left at their default values. If a particular site requires that the
synchronization times be changed however, they may be modified.
To configure the synchronization times for the site server, connect a laptop directly to the site
server using the instructions in
“Appendix C - Configuring Site Server IP Addresses for
Applause Media System (when IP Addresses Are Changed)”
. After connecting,
Setup and Configuration
. The Setup screen appears.
Figure E-1: Setup Screen