Gigaset 1054 isdn, GBR: A30853-X200-B101-51-7619
Operating the Standard Mobile Unit
System Settings
The setting of ring allocatioin determines:
1. On which mobile units or other devices using which multiple subscriber number
external call number) an external call should be signaled.
2. Which multiple subscriber number (external call number) you can use for outgoing
external calls (important for displaying costs and call number)
With the ring allocation setting you can assign a multiple subscriber number to one or more inter-
nal call numbers. Reversed, only one internal call number can be assigned to one or more multi-
ple subscriber numbers.
If you have assigned one subscriber multiple external numbers, for example to receive both busi-
ness and private calls, then the first external number in the list will be used for cost calculations
for external calls.
The ring allocation is made by entering the internal number in the list of the collective call group
or in the group list for forwarding calls.
For internal subscribers who may receive call from external subscribers, then at least an “incom-
ing authorization“ must be defined (see chapter „Set Authorization for Subscribers“ on page 70).
You can include up to 10 subscribers, 8 of these for mobile units, in the list of group calls or in the
group list for forwarding calls.
Subscribers, who are engaged in an internal or external call, who receive an external call will be
signaled through knocking (see also page 40).
Group call
The default setting is group call for all subscribers.
When registrated the subscribers will be included in this group automatically. This can be
changed later if needed.
An incoming external call will be signaled on the registrated mobile unit or other device and
can be answer at any mobile unit or other device.
A single call can be achieved by programming only one subscriber in the collection call list.
The groups of subscribers that are included in the collection call
call number
internal subscriber
2, 3, 4
Collective call with forwarding
An incoming external call will be signaled to the first subscriber group and can be answered
there. If a subscriber in the first group doesn’t answer, then the second call number will for-
warded to the second call group.
assigned internal subscriber
call after
call number
group 1
group 2
forwarding to
2, 3
6, 7
2, 3, 6, 7
4, 6
1, 4, 6
Ring Allocation on a Multiple Device Connection