GSM19 Series Magnetometers - Version 7
GEM Systems, Inc. Advanced Magnetometers
For more technical information, visit www.gemsys.ca
The solution for this issue is to copy the executable file, GEMLinkW.exe, directly from the CD to
the folder that contains the installed GEMLinkW software. This file is typically stored in
C:\Program Files\GEMLinkW 3.0\ .
To load waypoints:
Create an ASCII file with two columns of Easting and Northing data (only UTM format
supported) that includes 2 decimal places (but NO decimal point). The following shows
such a file. The last two digits are centimetres. If your original file is in metres, for example,
you will have to add two zeros at the end of each number to transfer the file correctly.
62891912 485690556
62898934 485692178
62899600 485689000
62892700 485687200
Note: When creating files for waypoints transfer, it is important to make sure that there are
no empty headers or strings (characters) at the beginning or end of the file, or extra spaces at
the end of strings within the file.
Set the communication parameters on the console (C-info / RS-232 menu) and then on the
magnetometer. They must be exactly the same for the upload to work. Note that you may
have to set your Personal Computer’s communication port to 3, 4 or 5 depending on your
system’s configuration.
Open GEMLinkW and select the Tools | RS-232 Transfer | Transfer GPS waypoints | PC to
console option. The system displays the Waypoints Transfer Utility screen.
Select the Open file button and then locate your waypoint file. Press Ok. The system
displays a message similar to the following, “The current active serial port is COM5. Make
sure the RS232 port of the mag is connected to it.”