GSM19 Series Magnetometers - Version 7
GEM Systems, Inc. Advanced Magnetometers
For more technical information, visit www.gemsys.ca
Note: The system is actively recording measurements actively at this time so you must
be walking.
When finished your line, press A. This stops data acquisition.
Now, use the navigation functionality to move from waypoint 2 to waypoint 3. When you
have arrived at waypoint 3, use the B+ control to increment the waypoint to waypoint 4
which is your next destination. Press F-start survey and continue taking measurements as
described here.
When finished all lines, press 1 and C keys at the same time. The system
returns you to the main menu and closes your file so that it is protected.
1.1.7 Dumping Data to a Personal Computer
When dumping data, it is essential that your transmission settings are the same on the
magnetometer / gradiometer as on the Personal Computer. You can check and change baud rates,
etc. by selecting C-info from the Main screen followed by B-RS232.
Initiate dumping by selecting the 1-Send command from the Main Menu. The system
displays the file screen.
Use C-change-number to change the identifier of the file you want to dump; if you need to
see which files are in the mag, use the C-info / C-file-review function first. When finished,
press F-ok. The system displays the select SEND format screen.
Select from D-default or F-Custom. Values you can use include X, Y, time, nT, nT/m,
corrected nT (cor-nT), signal quality (SQ), elevation (new for version 7), satellites (sat),
picket-x and picket-y. Custom allows you to arrange these in any order you would like;
default provides a preset listing of values in GEM format.
When ready to send data, press A-send. The system downloads the data.
Options A and E give you the choice to select A-all or F-field values only. Select the data
you want to send. The system automatically displays an “ending now 1C-stop”message
when finished.
1.1.8 Considerations for Using RS-232 Waypoint Uploading
If you want to use the magnetometer’s guidance features, one way to do so is to load a series of
waypoints from a Personal Computer.
Please note that you installed a demonstration version of GEMLinkW 3.0 software for
downloading, diurnal corrections and other functions. With this version, there is a limitation in
terms of transferring waypoints to magnetometers (i.e. the system does not support a second
decimal place ... centimetre positions).