GE Analytical Instruments ©2016
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DLM 68100-09 EN Rev. A
Chapter 4: Installation
7. Remove the plug located at the top of the waste drain outlet pipe (the pipe without the internal sipper
tube) and install a filter vent in its place for each stream you are installing.
8. Insert a Wastewater Sampler pipe assembly into the clamp located on the outside of the Analyzer. For
this overflow method, ensure that the waste drain pipe (without internal needle)
is installed farthest
from the instrument
Also, ensure that the sample inlet pipe is installed nearest to the instrument.
Figure 27: Overflow Method — Installation
9. Close the two clamps over the pipe and use pliers or channel locks to secure.
10. Adjust the height of the sipper tube to enable drawing sample from a laminar flow without bubbles.
Figure 28: Overflow Method — Adjusting the Sipper Tube Height