Programming keys
The keys in the two centre blocks on the keyboard are used for
programming and editing programmed methods. (The ”help/return”
key and the ”do” key are used for both programming and run
control.) Below, the function of each programming key is described
following the key name.
”SEP method file”: press to enter the separation method
”DEV method file”: press to enter the development
method file.
Within a method step, the position for an entry is marked out by an
underscore cursor on the display.
” ” : press to move to the next field of entry within a
method step.
” ” : press to move to the previous field of entry within
a method step.
You can move the cursor rapidly through a method step by depress-
ing these keys longer than one second. These keys also serve as step-
ping keys for selecting characters when naming a method.
”step forward”: press to move to the next step in a
”step backward”: press to move to the previous step in a
You can move quickly through a method by depressing these keys
longer than one second. These keys also serve to select a method
number when naming a method.
”name method”: press to assign a name (maximum of 10
characters) to a method.
You can name a method before, during or after you program a
method. Procedures for naming methods are given in chapters
Separations procedures and Development procedures. A short
instruction is given here:
Press ”SEP method file” to name a separation method or ”DEV
method file” to name a development method.
Press ”name method”.
Press ”step forward” until the method number you want to
name appears on the display.
3. Descriptiaon of the system